I’m delighted to welcome Dr. Masashi Yoshimura to our lab as a Staff Scientist. Yoshi is originally from Japan, but most recenlty comes to us from the California Academy of Sciences where he was a member of Brian Fisher’s lab for 5 years. Yoshi is one of the very few biologists in the world who studies ant male morphology. The vast majority of attention on the Ecology, Evolution, and taxonomy of ants focuses on the worker caste. He will be working on the Fijian male fauna, the broader evolution of ant males, and other biodiversity projects related to the Japanese fauna.
Author: ArilabAdmin
Bob Hope Kindergarten Visit
The Arilab had a great time teaching children about ants. It was a lot of fun to hear all their interesting questions.
We’re Hiring Postdocs!
We are happy to say we are looking for new talented researchers to join our group. Please see our jobs page for more details.
OIST Open Campus, March 2014
The Arilab had a great time preparing for Open Campus. We loved meeting the community and teaching everyone about the wonderful world of ants.
Thank you to all the volunteers, and especially Masako-san, for everything they did. Our booth wouldn’t have been a success without them!
Nitish joins the lab.
We are happy to welcome our newest lab member, Nitish Narula, who comes highly recommended from the Avian phylogenomics group at NMSU. Nitish is our new computing technician and will work on specimen and molecular databases, bioinformatics, and statistical data analyses. He’s also got the best beard at OIST. Welcome!